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Descriptive Transcript of Video: “Sandra’s Medicare Affordability Story”

[Opening screen with picture of Sandra and text: Sandra’s story. Vermont Legal Aid logo and text: Medicare Affordability. Sandra has Medicare only. She is over the income limit for the Medicare Savings Program and she can’t afford a Medigap plan.]


[Text: Sandra’s story. Vermont Legal Aid logo and text: Medicare Affordability. “I don’t go to the doctor anymore because of the deductible and copays. I never know what they will be and can’t take the chance.”]

Sandra says: The premiums are more with much less coverage. I just don't go to the doctor anymore because of the deductible and the co-pays.

I don't know how much they will be, and I can't take the chance.

[Text: Sandra’s story. Vermont Legal Aid logo and text: Medicare Affordability. Before Sandra turned 65, she had “wonderful” coverage through her job at the State of Vermont.]

We had a co-pay, and it was a $20 co-pay. So if you went to the doctor It would be $20.

But now I don't know how much it would be.

[Text: Now that she has Medicare, Sandra can no longer afford health care if she becomes seriously ill.]

If I pass out or something and you think about calling an ambulance don't because we can't afford it.

[Closing screen with the Vermont Legal Aid logo and text: Vermont can and should increase the income limit for the Medicare Savings Program. Support H.118 / S.61]

End of transcript.

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